Application Form – Online CPD Sessions

All of the LIVE online Twilight CPD sessions are 100% FREE for Equals Charity members.  Sessions run from 3:45-5:15 pm All staff within a members school are able to attend. 

 To learn more about the online CPD sessions please contact the Equals Office using or your can ring using 0191 272 1222

Not a member? Learn more about the benefits of becoming an » Equals member


    Please provide your schools Membership No, however if you do not have this, please type unknown in the box below and Equals can check their Equals membership database for you, as your application is being processed.
    If your school are not members, the cost is £35+VAT per session. You can also contact to check your schools membership status and to discuss new membership offers.

    Membership No


    Session Title One


    Session Title Two


    Session Title Three


    Session Title Four